Teaching children the do's and don'ts regarding animals is among one of the most important lessons you'll ever teach them. Children need to learn how to treat animals with respect and understand that even though animals are everywhere and that many are domesticated, this does not automatically make them safe. We can teach our children some simple safety measures that can mean the difference between life and death.

Today many homes are raising children along with the family dog. Naturally kids delight in hugging, petting, and playing with their pets. But unfortunately, many children grow up believing that all dogs are gentle and friendly like their pets, and commonly fall victim to a dog attack, simply because they'd never been taught when it's not okay to approach a dog.

Parents should teach their children from a very young age the following safety guidelines regarding dogs and continue reinforcing these precautions frequently.

To Avoid Being Bitten by a Dog:

Never approach a strange dog or run up to a dog that is tied up, confined behind a fence or in a car .

Never attempt to touch a dog through a fence, including a neighbor's dog

Never touch a dog that is growling, showing his teeth, or barking hysterically.

Young children must never approach dogs without a grown-up's supervision.

Before petting a dog, even your own, you should hold out your hand to allow the dog to see and sniff you first.

Never grab at a dog.

Don't approach a dog that is a watch dog protecting his property.

Never attempt to touch a dog that is sleeping, eating, chewing on a toy or treat or caring for puppies.

Never hurt the animal by pulling it's tail or fur for example.

If the dog is leashed, ask the dog's owner permission to pet the dog first.

Keep your face away from the dog's, when approaching or playing with them.

Don't make loud noises or sudden moves when approaching a dog. Speak softly to it.

Never turn your back to a dog and run away. Their natural instinct is to chase and catch fleeing prey. If a dog is chasing you… stop running.

Avoid eye contact with an aggressive dog, and back off slowly and non-threateningly.

Do not touch, or attempt to touch, the animal's eyes.

Dog bite prevention first begins at home.  The reward for teaching consideration and respect for animals is children who are both humane and safe. 

What to Do if a Dog Attacks:

Never scream and run. Remain still, hands at your sides and avoid eye contact with the dog

Remain very still with your hands at your sides until the dog loses interest in you, then slowly back away until the dog is out of site

If the dog does attack, "feed" the dog your jacket, purse, or anything that you can put between yourself and the dog

If bitten, tell an adult right away. Remember what the dog looked like, if it had a collar, and in what direction it went. Wash the wound with soap and water. See a doctor and report the bite to the local health department.

If you should fall or are knocked to the ground, curl into a ball with your hands behind your neck and arms over your ears, protect your face and remain very still. It is very important that you try not to scream and roll around.


Teaching Kids Dog Safety !

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