Careful consideration is important when choosing to add a pet to your household. Believe it or not, this is true even for cats. All kittens are irresistible, but if you're looking for a purebred cat, you need to realize that not all breeds are built the same. Some breeds just might not be for you. Before considering a particular cat breed, be sure to attend several cat shows to familiarize yourself with the breeds and their temperaments, and to meet responsible breeders. Feel free to ask them questions about their cats—particularly how they think their respective breeds would fare in your unique situation. Regardless of the breed you choose, be sure to select your kitten very carefully. Observe the mother and her entire litter, and choose a kitten with a calm, curious, confident demeanor. If you do your homework before selecting a purebred cat—and are honest about your lifestyle restrictions—you stand a great chance of ending up with a special little kitten. |
Good choices for Busy Families:
Abyssinian American and British Shorthair Birman Burmese Chartreux Exotic Shorthair Japanese Bobtail |
Maine Coon Manx Munchkin Norwegian Forest Cat Scottish Fold Sphynx Turkish Van |
Good choices for Busy Singles:
American and British Shorthair American Wirehair Bombay Chartreux Egyptian Mau Exotic Shorthair | Korat Maine Coon Manx Russian Blue Scottish Fold |
Good choices for stay-at-home owners and Calm Families:
Abyssinian Balinese Birman Burmese Cornish Rex Devon Rex Havana Brown Himalayan Korat |
Maine Coon Norwegian Forest Cat Ocicat Persian Ragdoll Siamese Tonkinese Turkish Angora |